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Choose your categories

A completed entry will include:
1. Entry Form
2. 150 Word Company Profile
3. 150 Word Summary
4. 1000 Word Submission
5. Company Logo




1. Energy Innovation Award
This category is for renewable technologies and resources that are new or in development, showing innovation and potential for the future. The entry could take the form of a completely new idea, a refinement of an addition to efficiency in the creation or storage of energy. Enter here

2. Green Energy Product of the Year
An award for products that either consumers or companies can use to become more sustainable and reduce their environmental impact. Examples could be LED lighting, energy efficient appliances or localised energy storage such as batteries. Enter here


3. Circular and Recycling Award
This category seeks companies that are finding effective ways to create a more circular economy for its products, helping to reduce waste and reuse resources so that the impact on the planet is reduced. The category is open to both organisations with a programme and methods of achieving this. Enter here

4. Sustainable Packaging Award
Packaging has been singled out as an area where companies can do more to cut waste and encourage recycling. Whether using natural materials, reducing the quantity of materials or innovating the way out of using more, this rewards suppliers and retailers that have found a way to reduce unnecessary or environmentally damaging materials. Enter here

5. Innovation Award
Materials innovation looks to using sustainable or bridgeable materials in place of single use materials that can only create waste. Again this is open to innovation in the creation of materials, or innovation in schemes. Enter here


6. Sustainable Fund of the Year
For the fund that can show significant returns whilst realising the ideals of good ESG and impact. The direct consequences of investment decisions will need to be provided as evidence that the fund has performed well in every sense of the word. Enter here

7. Green Fleet Award
For corporate fleets that are progressively changing to using cleaner alternatives such as electric, hydrogen or even pedal power to help make the air clearer and the environmental impact lower. Any fleet operator, whether that is their main business or part of a different organisation, can enter. Enter here

Supply Chain

8. Supply Chain Initiative of the Year
The supply chain is a potential major source of emissions, and this category will consider companies and specialist organisations that have helped tackle the issue. This might be through more local sourcing, using lower impact transport or innovations that reduce the overall effect of the supply chain. Enter here


9. Partnership of the Year
This category celebrates the synergy between two different companies who have combined to create a compelling success story in green energy. A partnership could better a car maker and energy provider, or a financial concern and a tree-plating programme might be examples. Enter here

10. Major Project of the Year
For a company that has undertaken a single major project that helps create a more sustainable future – an example might be converting to renewables for energy, building wind turbines for energy, a hydrogen production facility or a network of charging points. Enter here

11. Water Conservation Award
Water is a major resource, but it is not always treated as a scarce commodity. Whether attempting to reduce water use, maintaining the oceans or reducing pollution of our water through ending pollution this is the awards that will keep the planet blue. Enter here

12. Carbon Reduction Award
Carbon emissions remain the single most worrying element in climate change. This award will be made to the company that can demonstrate a convincing programme to reduce its carbon output and put in place systems that will continue to reduce emissions. Enter here

13. Carbon Capture and Offsetting scheme of the year
For technologies that remove and keep carbon safety, or programmes offsetting the impacts of emission, this award is open to concepts new or existing and to processes from tree-planting and wilding programmes to CCUS. Enter here

14. Company of the Year
For the company than can demonstrate green credentials across the board of its products, supply chain, facilities, recycling, net-zero carbon and energy use. This is the ‘complete package’ and we are looking for data to support the view that you are the truly a leader and role model for the environment. Enter here

15. Transformation Award
Awarded to the company or organisation that has done the most to transform its energy use and reduce its carbon footprint in a holistic fashion – this could mean internal education, reducing travel, adoption of green energy or utilising clean energy generation. Partnerships are encouraged as well as individual applications. Enter here

Built Environment

16. Sustainable Transport Award
A major carbon emitter has been the transport sector, whether by road, sea or air. We are looking to celebrate companies that are actively seeking ways to reduce emissions and create carbon free methods of transportation for themselves or others, or implementing the infrastructure to do so (that is changing stations, EV fleet use etc). Innovation, scale and sustainability will all be considered in the submission. Enter here

17. Building of the Year
For companies or organisations that have invested in created energy efficient, sustainable and low impact buildings. This could include materials used, renewable energy supply, water reduction, insulation, natural ventilation or ‘greening’ of the site. Enter here


18. Use of Data and Analytics
In order to create a more efficient use of resources, the use of data is vital, from apps that measure consumer energy use to renewable switching systems, from carbon analysis to ride sharing, all data-driven concepts that put sustainability at their heart are welcome. Enter here

19. Cleantech Award
For technology that is primarily based upon creating a cleaner more environmentally friendly world, whether this be for commercial use or consumers, from industrial processes to apps. Enter here


20. Education, Training and Communication Award
For organisations that are committed to raising sustainability awareness and practice through education, training, or a campaign. This includes both a body of work, for example training provision for heat pump installation, to a particular scheme or campaign, for example a recycling campaign within a company. The category is open to in-house and external provision. In all cases the judges will be looking for evidence of successful outcomes and impact, and that have that little extra magic that gets the sustainability message through. Enter here 

21. Team of the Year
For the team inside a company that has done the most to support sustainability and help their business to a more environmentally friendly outcome. The team might be a single department of a collection from across the company that has made a difference and pioneered green issues. Enter here

22. Rising Star
An individual award to the person that has done the most within a company to help promote and implement sustainability and be a guiding light for the future – a rising star! Enter here


23. Biodiversity Protection Award
For organisations that have made advances in protecting or creating habitats and environments that will preserve species and biodiversity, whether at a small or large scale, as a project in itself or as considerate policy whist installing another project (such as wind turbines). An entry should the targets of the project, progress relative to size of the organisation and future plans. Enter here